Your identity might vary from person to person. The girl next door might call you a punk, your high school teacher might call you a psychopath and your relatives might call you a sociopath. But that doesn't matter, does it? What matter is how you identify yourself or in other words the true identity. But it's not so simple as it sounds. The identity you keep to yourself seems to be so tied up in the different kinds of roles you play in your day to day life. You might see yourself as a student/teacher, a son/daughter, a brother/sister, a dreamer and a seeker. But that's not the problem, the problem is if you stop playing any one of these roles you suddenly loose your identity. So is your identity the combination of the roles that you play? Remember what Batman said? "It's not who I am underneath, it's what I do that defines me." These roles that you play triggers different kinds of thoughts, feelings and ideas. And they determines what you do and ho...
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