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Tips to calm the mind of artists

Creating art can be calming but the process of creating can be stuffed with stress and tension for professional artists because we work against deadlines and our own standards. Many of us may be unable to let go of the creative process or get out of our own heads. And particularly for most of us the tension is physical — hunted over potter's wheels and tables, standing in front of our easel for hours with tensed shoulders and jaws. Mindfulness will help us relax and re-enter our lives with some ease.


All feels like it is unraveling throughout stressful times. Yet deep breathing is one of the simplest and most natural methods for combating tension, anxiety, and even reducing pain and high blood pressure.


Meditation helps to quiet the chatter in the brain. Are you worried and overthinking abouta piece of art? Are you approaching your art supplies disorientated? Try some easy breathing exercises if you need a good mental nudge to get clarity and a bit of peace of mind.

Find a mantra

Mantras consist of repetitive sounds, sentences, or phrases. They can draw positive energy and thoughts in times when relaxation, hope and connection are needed. You can develop trust in yourself, ease fears, maintain energy, minimize tension, manifest good feelings, etc.

Feeling disconnected from practicing your art? Work out a mantra in your room. Here are a few suggestions. You should come up with your own too!

* I have big dreams and I will grow into

* No Masterpiece was ever created by a lazy

* I don't wish for it, I work for it.

* I say yes to new adventures.

95 percent of our activity is calculated to run on autopilot. Let's put a little more focus to our everyday routine. Mindfulness allows us to communicate and focus — two parts of our art practice! Much like mastering a new artistic technique, it takes time to breathe deeply and meditate. Consider adding one or all of it as your daily routine: breathing practice, meditation and/or mantra.


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